By Dante Sudilovsky ’17, Editor-in-Chief
The US News is back up and running—or at least I’d like to think. Regular meetings and issues are now being organized; the editorial team has taken on new responsibilities with aplomb. Dedicated writers have made me realize that in fact students do ‘have a voice.’ On the other hand, this voice has not been too well received by some.
The first edition of the US News under my editorship garnered more controversy than I expected. Complaints and comments were received from faculty, students, and administrators. We were forced to remove comments and even pull an article. I had not expected this level of censorship and I came out of the first week a little disappointed. As an individual wholly opposed to censorship of any kind, pulling content is the last thing I want to do.
(The paragraphs that appeared here were censored within 11 hours. -Prescott)
The US News will continue to push forward despite censorship. I understand that the News is still a school-sanctioned newspaper; there are boundaries and I intend for the News to push them. I want to create an environment in which ‘the voice of the student [and faculty]’ is actually free.
On a positive note, I would like to sincerely thank everyone who made the first issue possible—editors, writers, and readers. Thank you!
Dante Sudilovsky