Society of Skeptics: North Korea


Sumner Jones, Staff Writer

Last Wednesday the Society of Skeptics congregated in the Matson room over first lunch to discuss the an intriguing topic: What should we do about North Korea? I had the chance to attend this meeting and to my astonishment, there were various opinions on the issue.

Some proposed the idea of completely “nuking out” North Korea and leave it at that, whereas others in the meeting adopted a more realistic stance by advocating for China cutting trade with North Korea, devastating the North Korean economy.

While most either picked total destruction or cutting trade, there were a few other opinions. One student said that the United States should “completely nuke North Korea and when the radiation is gone, we should make a nice resort there.” Another said the United States should simply do “nothing.” In response to those who thought completely destroying North Korea was a valid option, many countered that point by demonstrating the goals of the Kim dynasty. Their goal is simply preservation of their family name. This being said, it would not be in their interest to start a war with the world’s leading military power.

Overall, the most widely accepted opinion in the Society of Skeptics meeting was to have China cut trade with North Korea and avoid a nuclear war at all costs.