A Look into Ohio’s Temperate Climate

Asher Colvin, Staff Writer

For much of the summer and the fall, parts of the United States have been struck by various forms of extreme weather. In the course of the last month, Hurricane Ida battered the Southern United States. Neighborhoods were overwhelmed by floods leaving many needing to move out or evacuate. In states like Louisiana, parts of cities like New Orleans still lack essentials such as electricity and running water. On the east coast, the Hurricane has resulted in similar effects. New York saw historic flooding. Streets in Manhattan were drowned, as subway stations filled to the rip with rainwater. In New Jersey, entire routes had to be shut down due to the sheer extent of excess water covering the street. The west coast has fared no better. States such as California, Oregon, and Washington have been ravaged by expansive wildfires. Hundreds of thousands of acres have been scorched in the past month.

Yet, here in Ohio, we have not seen such severe climate to that extent. While we have experienced hotter than usual temperatures and some heavier rains, overall, the weather has been comparatively mild. Ohio’s relatively mild weather, however, does not negate the effects of climate change in the state. The average temperature in the state has risen, and the ice caps over Lake Erie have in the past years been forming later in the winter. However,  Ohio’s current mild weather could also bring positive effects. Historically, Ohio’s geological location in the Midwest has always been to its advantage. Much of the Midwest and East Coast trade went through Ohio, allowing the state to invest in its highway system. In the past couple of years, there has been a trend of many major companies building facilities in the state. Its location as a cargo hub and the state being tax-friendly for businesses have helped attract corporations.

Now, however, Ohio’s mild climate might also be another luring feature. Currently, New York, Texas, and California are the most popular locations of corporate HQs. According to Bloomberg CityLab, when it comes to Fortune 500 companies, 24.5% of consumer service buildings, as well as 25.6% of finance and business service buildings are in New York. 26.3% of energy facilities are in Houston. 28.3% of buildings for goods and materials are in San Jose. With extreme weather currently becoming more common in these areas, there is a possibility that these headquarters might relocate to states similar in climate to Ohio. In the long run, this could bring jobs and opportunities to the state.  This situation could also be applied to housing. A state like Ohio might, in the future, become a place for people to move away from the extreme weather of the larger cities on the coast.

Hopefully, in the coming decades, the United States could take more action to prevent the catastrophic effects of climate change across the country. In the time being, however, Ohio’s location and climate could bring considerable benefits.