A Call for Tissues

Zachary Zelman, Staff Writer

During flu and allergy season, many of us fall victim to everlasting coughing, stuffed-up noses, and sneezing. One of the primary methods of sanitation for containing these symptoms is the use of tissues. However, a quick sample survey of the English and History Departments on the second floor found that only 5 out of 14 total rooms had tissues available for use.

When asked, English teacher Dr. Bohenen commented, “I always want my students to keep their germs to themselves, so I stock up on tissues at the start of the year. The school provides them to us, in the maintenance department.” On the other hand, some teachers leave it to the students to go get a box of tissues or bring their own.

Meanwhile, according to a student, the Spanish department has made it a requirement for students to bring their own tissues. Despite this being a prudent solution for those who have a cold, it might not suffice when people (who don’t have a cold) sneeze without warning.

Another student commented, “These solutions, during peak season, are not sufficient. Why should I get a cold because someone else didn’t get a tissue before sneezing on me?”

Later, I contacted Mr. Gallagher; he expressed gratitude for bringing the issue to his attention. In conclusion, it is clear that the addition of tissues to all classrooms is a heavily debated topic that is of great concern to all members of our community.